- Open source Linux (OpenWrt) inside
- Low power consumption
- Compatible with Arduino IDE 1.5.4 or later, user can program, debug or upload sketch to Arduino board via Arduino IDE.
- Managed by Web GUI, SSH via LAN or WiFi
- Software upgradable via network
- Built-in web server
- Support internet connection via LAN port, WiFi or 3G dongle.
- Support USB flash to provide storage for Arduino projects.
- Failsafe design provides robustly system.
- Compatible with Arduino Leonardo, Uno , Duemilanove, Diecimila, Mega
- Processor: 400MHz, 24K MIPS
- Flash: 16MBytes
- RAM: 64MBytes
- Power Input: 4.75v ~ 23v via Arduino VIN pin
- 1 x 10M/100M RJ45 connector
- 150M WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
- External Antenna via I-Pex connector
- 1 x USB 2.0 host connector, used for USB storage or 3G connection
- 1 x Reset button
- Compatible with 3.3v or 5v I/O Arduino.
Yun Shield for Arduino
- Brand: Seeed Studio
- Product Code:Seeed-Yun-Shield
- Reward Points:36
- Availability:Discontinued
रo 3,587.00
- Price in reward points:3587
- 85 or more रo 3,130.00
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