Motion (or Rotation) Sensing
Motion or Rotation sensing or detection.
Parallax 32213 X-Band Motion Detector
The X-Band Motion Detector operates in the X-band frequency, at 10.525 GHz and indicates detected mo..
रo 2,975.00
Prop Shield With Motion Sensor
The Prop Shield is meant interactive light and sound effects on small handheld props and wearable co..
रo 2,331.00 रo 2,775.00
Prop Shield, Low Cost (no Motion Sensors)
This Electret Condenser Microphone is meant to be used with the Teensy Audio Adaptor. It is PUI Audi..
रo 1,004.00 रo 1,195.00
Me PIR Motion Sensor V1.1
Me PIR sensors are used to detect motion from animals/ humans from about 6m away. If anyone moved in..
रo 865.00
Lego Mindstorms NXT Angle Sensor
Measure axle rotation position and rotation speed with the HiTechnic Angle Sensor. The Angle Sensor ..
रo 6,920.00
Lego Mindstorms NXT Force Sensor
The NXT Force Sensor will enable you to build robots that can measure a physical force applied throu..
रo 5,000.00
Motion capture marker deck
Placing motion capture markers on the Crazyflie 2.X can be a hassle, but this deck makes it really e..
रo 681.00
Flow deck v2
The Flow deck gives the Crazyflie 2.X the ability to detect its motions in any direction. The VL53L1..
रo 5,389.00
Fermion: BMM150 Triple Axis Magnetometer Sensor (Breakout)
The BMM150 is a low-power and low noise 3-axis digital geomagnetic sensor that perfectly matches the..
रo 586.00 रo 675.00
Gravity: BMM150 Triple Axis Magnetometer Sensor
BMM150 is a low-power and low-noise 3-axis geomagnetic sensor from Bosch for compass applications. I..
रo 777.00 रo 895.00
3 Axis Gyroscope + Accelerometer Module - GY-521 MPU6050
GY-521 6DOF MPU6050 Module 3 Axis Gyroscope + Accelerometer for MWC Arduino Features:..
रo 90.00 रo 270.00
MPU 6050 + HMC5883L + BMP085 Flight Control 10 DOF Sensor Module
GY-88 MPU - 6050 HMC5883L BMP085 ( Acceleration + Gyroscope + Electronic Compass + Barometer pressur..
रo 1,875.00
9-Axis Gyro + Accelerator + Magnetometer Sensor Module MPU-9250
9-Axis Gyro + Accelerator + Magnetometer Sensor Module MPU-9250 Features and Specification..
रo 420.00 रo 540.00
9-Axis Gyro + Accelerator + Magnetometer Sensor Module MPU-9255
9-Axis Gyro + Accelerator + Magnetometer Sensor Module MPU-9255 Features and Specific..
रo 1,047.00
3-Axis Gyroscope + 3-Axis Accelerometer + 3-Axis Magnetic field - GY-88 MPU6050
10 DOF module (3-axis gyroscope + 3-axis accelerometer + three-axis magnetic field ) Using ..
रo 1,740.00