Distance / Proximity / Objection

Distance/Proximity/Objection measuring/sensing sensors/devices/modules
PICAXE-Ultrasonic Range Sensor SRF005
An ultrasonic range sensor that can detect objects from 3cm to 3m away. The sensor can be used with ..
रo 1,985.00
Adafruit 5022 Proximity Trinkey - USB APDS9960 Sensor Dev Board
It's half USB Key, half Adafruit Trinket M0, half APDS9960 breakout...it's Proximity Trinkey, the ci..
रo 1,074.00
Adafruit 3317 VL53L0X Time of Flight Distance Sensor - ~30 to 1000mm
The VL53L0X is a Time of Flight distance sensor like no other you've used! The sensor contains a ver..
रo 1,816.00
Adafruit 5396 VL53L4CD Time of Flight Distance Sensor - ~1 to 1300mm - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The Adafruit VL53L4CD Time of Flight Sensor is another great Time of Flight distance sensor from ST ..
रo 1,614.00
Me Line Finder
The Me – Line finder is designed based on two infrared reflective sensors. It has one 4Pin RJ10 conn..
रo 560.00
Me Ultrasonic Sensor
The Me Ultrasonic Sensor V3.0 is the improvement version of Me Ultrasonic Sensor V2.0, better qualit..
रo 2,370.00
EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor
The digital EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor generates sound waves and reads their echoes to detect and measure..
रo 4,425.00
Ultrasonic distance measurement sensor module - HC-SR04
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measurement sensor module. 4-Pin, One each for VCC, Trigger, Echo an..
रo 115.00
Ultrasonic distance measurement sensor module - HY-SRF05
HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Distance Measurement sensor module. 5-Pin, One each for VCC, Trigger, Echo, ..
रo 178.00
GH 311 Ultrasonic distance measurement sensor module
1、Specification 1、Voltage : 6-12V(DC) 2、Current : max 2mA 3、Output Signal : 0-5V (Out..
रo 1,150.00
Parallax 28015 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - PING)))
Parallax's PING)))™ ultrasonic sensor provides a very low-cost and easy method of distance measureme..
रo 4,160.00
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module - US-020
US-020 Ultrasonic ranging module is capable of the 2cm ~ 7m non-contact distance measuring function,..
रo 141.00 रo 232.00
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module - US-015
US-015 Ultrasonic ranging module is capable of the 2cm ~ 4m non-contact distance measuring function,..
रo 185.00
TOFSense - Time of Flight Laser Ranging Sensor
TOFSense is a laser ranging sensor based on TOF (time of flight). The measuring range is 1cm~5m, and..
रo 2,674.00
Ultrasonic Sensor URM04 v2.0
The URM04 v2.0 Ultrasonic sensor is developed based upon our popular URM37 ultrasonic sensor. The RS..
रo 2,152.00 रo 2,480.00