Lego Technic
Lego Technic is a brand of Lego used extensively for Robotics like hardware building
LEGO Power Functions Battery Box
Add more power to your LEGO® Power Functions! Give even more power and movement to your LE..
रo 650.00 रo 2,000.00
LEGO Power Functions Transformer/Charger 10VDC
10V DC transformer/charger for your LEGO® Power Functions battery! Recharge your batte..
रo 3,205.00 रo 3,885.00
EVB: Replace the brain of your LEGO EV3 with BeagleBone
EVB: Replace the Brain and Sensors in your LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 with a BeagleBone Black. 100% LEGO c..
रo 6,850.00
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