Orange Pi
Orange Pi Zero NAS Expansion board
Orange Pi Zero NAS Expansion board As the name suggests, one obvious use for the board would..
रo 1,300.00
Orange Pi Zero Plus 2
Allwinner H5 is pin-to-pin compatible with Allwinner H3, so the PCB is exactly the same. The upgrade..
रo 2,985.00
Orange Pi Prime Development Board
It’s an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 5.1, Ubuntu, Debian Image, it uses the..
रo 4,285.00 रo 4,680.00
Orange Pi Win Development Board
It’s an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 6.0 , Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian Image, ..
रo 2,985.00
Orange Pi 4B
Orange Pi 4B is an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 8.1, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 1..
रo 10,010.00
Orange Pi Zero 2
Orange Pi Zero 2 an open-source single board computer. It can run Android10, Ubuntu, Debian. It uses..
रo 2,115.00
Orange Pi Zero Case
Orange Pi Zero Case. Specifications: Weight: 25g Color: Black Package Includ..
रo 220.00
Orange Pi Zero Expansion board
Orange Pi Zero Expansion board - Expansion board for Orange Pi Zero (256MB / 512MB) - 2 USB i..
रo 300.00