Ready to assemble electronic sound project kit.
Hearing Aids:
This is low cost condenser micro phone amplifier which gives clear and loud sound output. Useful for those who are hard of hearing.
A. M. Transmitter:
This is medium power A. M. Transmitter having 100-150 mW RF power. It can be delivered up to the range of 5-10 meter.
Electronic Hermonium:
This musical instrument generates fifteen different notes of music. Heart of the circuit is a stable multi vibrator fabricated around IC NE 555 timer IC.
A low cost two way intercom circuit with ring tone. Ring tone is generated by a stable multi vibrator of IC NE 555. High performance, low wattage condenser micro phone amplifier used for amplification of audio signal from micro phone.
Musical Door Bell:
Ten different melody tunes in sequence with adjustment of tone and tempo of the tune is provided with volume control.
Ultra Sonic Switch:
Ultra sonic transmitter and receiver pair is used for obstacle detection. Transmitted ultrasonic waves are reflected from obstacle surface and received by ultrasonic receiver.
Package Includes:
- 1 x Mega-Kit - Sound
Mega-Kit - Sound
- Product Code:Mega-Kit-Sound
- Reward Points:3
- Availability:In Stock
रo 190.00
- Price in reward points:190
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