This book is where your adventures with Bluetooth LE begin. You'll start your journey by getting familiar with your hardware options: Arduino, BLE modules, computers (including Raspberry Pi!), and mobile phones. From there, you'll write code and wire circuits to connect off-the-shelf sensors, and even go all the way to writing your own Bluetooth Services. Along the way you'll look at lightbulbs, locks, and Apple's iBeacon technology, as well as get an understanding of Bluetooth security--both how to beat other people's security, and how to make your hardware secure.
About the Authors
Alasdair Allan is a Scientist, Author, Hacker and Tinkerer, and co-founder of a startup working on fixing the Internet of Things. He is the author of a number of books, and from time to time he also stands in front of cameras. He is a contributing editor for MAKE magazine, and a contributor to the O'Reilly Radar. A few years ago he caused a privacy scandal by uncovering that your iPhone was recording your location all the time. This caused several class action lawsuits and a U.S. Senate hearing. Several years on, he still isn't sure what to think about that. Alasdair is a former academic. As part of his work he built a distributed peer-to-peer network of telescopes which, acting autonomously, reactively scheduled observations of time-critical events. Notable successes included contributing to the detection of what--at the time--was the most distant object yet discovered.
Don Coleman is a lifelong engineer who has come full circle, from mechanical to software and now to hardware, bridging the gap between all disciplines. Don is a seasoned PhoneGap developer who has embraced it since its inception, and has spoken across the country about the benefits and advantages of using PhoneGap. As the Director of Consulting for Chariot Solutions, a software consulting company near Philadelphia, PA, he works with teams and clients to reinvent their existing technology and lay the groundwork for the future.
Sandeep Mistry is a professional software engineer, who enjoys tinkering with the Internet of Things and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Sandeep is the creator of noble and bleno, two cross-platform node.js BLE libraries.
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Talking About Bluetooth LE
- Protocols and Profiles
- Making Sure Your Machine Has Bluetooth LE
- What Haven’t We Told You About Bluetooth LE?
Chapter 2. Getting Started
- The Arduino
- Installing the Arduino IDE
- Connecting to the Board
- Installing the BLE Peripheral Library
- Setting Up Raspberry Pi
- Node.js
- Installing Node.js
- Installing Libraries with npm
- Setting Up Dependencies for noble and bleno
- Installing PhoneGap
Chapter 3. Smart Light Switch
- What Is a Smart Switch?
- Hardware
- Getting Started
- Making a Real Light Switch
- Adding Bluetooth
- Using Real Lightbulbs
- Conclusion
Chapter 4. BLE Lock
- Lock Service
- Hardware
- Lock Software
- Testing the Lock
- Mobile Application
- Improving the Lock
Chapter 5. Bleno Lock
- Hardware
- Lock Software
- Conclusion
Chapter 6. Weather Station
- Hardware
- Libraries
- Programming
- Compile and Upload
- Serial Monitor
- Using the Service
- PhoneGap
- What’s Next?
Chapter 7. NeoPixel Lamp
- Hardware
- Software
- Building a Phone App
- Enhancements
Chapter 8. SensorTag Remote
- Hardware
- Create the Project
- SensorTag and Noble
- SensorTag Remote
- A Simpler Version
- Next Steps
- Arduino Simple Key Service
Chapter 9. HID over GATT
- HOGP and BLEPeripheral
- Volume Knob
- Conclusion
Chapter 10. Beacons
- What You’ll Need
- iBeacon
- Eddystone Beacons and the Physical Web
- Conclusion
Chapter 11. Drones
- What You’ll Need
- Testing Out the Drone
- Controlling the Rolling Spider with Node.js
- Conclusion
Chapter 12. Going Further
- The Arduino
- Hardware Suggestions
- Further Reading
Appendix HID Over GATT Pairing
- iOS
- Android
- OS X
Make: Bluetooth
- Brand: Make:
- Product Code:Bok-Mak-Bluetooth
- Reward Points:5
- Availability:2 - 3 Days
रo 475.00
- Price in reward points:475
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