
RS485 Shield for Arduino

RS485 Shield for Arduino

RS485 is an industrial standard for long-distance, anti-interference, and reliable communication. Th..

रo 777.00 रo 895.00

RS232 Shield for Arduino

RS232 Shield for Arduino

This RS232 Shield for Arduino is designed for the Arduino controller,and it can easily convert UART ..

रo 777.00 रo 895.00

DFRduino UNO R3 with IO Expansion Shield and USB Cable A-B

DFRduino UNO R3 with IO Expansion Shield and USB Cable A-B

Note: This product includes DFRduino UNO R3, Gravity: IO Expansion Shield, and USB Cable A-B.DFRduin..

रo 2,032.00 रo 2,340.00

Gravity: Shiftout Module

Gravity: Shiftout Module

At sometime or another you may run out of pins on your Arduino board and need to extend it with shif..

रo 335.00 रo 386.00

Xboard Relay - An Ethernet Controllered Relay

Xboard Relay - An Ethernet Controllered Relay

Internet of things has become so easy. With Xboard Relay, you can not only monitor data through inte..

रo 2,857.00 रo 3,292.00

Fermion: Serial Data Logger for Arduino

Fermion: Serial Data Logger for Arduino

Compared to the previous MicroSD Card Module, this Fermion: Serial Data Logger can store data more c..

रo 347.00 रo 399.00

WiDo - An Arduino Compatible IoT (internet of thing) Board

WiDo - An Arduino Compatible IoT (internet of thing) Board

Wido is an Arduino compatible WIFI IoT Node development board, which integrates with WG1300 WIFI sol..

रo 2,855.00 रo 3,290.00

DFRduino Nano V3.1

DFRduino Nano V3.1

The DFRduino Nano USB Microcontroller V3.1 (ATMega 328) is a breadboard ready version of the " Ardui..

रo 944.00 रo 1,088.00

DFRduino Mega2560

DFRduino Mega2560

The new version of DFRduino Mega2560 has improved the VIN power supply circuit by changing the easil..

रo 3,048.00 रo 3,513.00

DFRduino UNO R3 - Compatible with Arduino Uno

DFRduino UNO R3 - Compatible with Arduino Uno

DFRduino Uno V3.0 from DFRobot is a physical world computing board of small size for academics or de..

रo 1,775.00

DFRduino Leonardo with Xbee Socket (Arduino Leonardo Compatible)

DFRduino Leonardo with Xbee Socket (Arduino Leonardo Compatible)

Featured in Make: The Maker’s Guide to Boards, DFRobot Leonardo with Xbee Socket is a board compatib..

रo 1,064.00 रo 1,226.00

FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)

FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)

FireBeetle series is the low-power consumption micro-controller intentionally designed for Internet ..

रo 944.00 रo 1,088.00

Fermion: FTDI FT232RL Basic Breakout 3.3/5V (Arduino Compatible)

Fermion: FTDI FT232RL Basic Breakout 3.3/5V (Arduino Compatible)

This is a basic breakout board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to serial IC. The pinout of this board match..

रo 1,016.00 रo 1,171.00

BLE Micro - Super Compact BLE Module

BLE Micro - Super Compact BLE Module

Bluno is great but I want small size for my product; Ble-link does well in its work but I don't want..

रo 820.00 रo 945.00

Bluno M0 Mainboard

Bluno M0 Mainboard

Bluno M0 is the only ARM Cortex-M0 Arduino Microcontroller that supports 5V standard logic level. Wi..

रo 2,208.00 रo 2,545.00

Showing 16 to 30 of 915 (61 Pages)

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