Seeed Studio

The IoT hardware enabler.
All the SBCs from Seeed Studios are available here.
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Grove - Base Shield for IOIO-OTG
IOIO is a board specially designed to work with your Android device. And this Grove - Base Shield fo..
रo 830.00
Small e-paper Shield V2 for Arduino/ Linkit One
E-paper might be the most lightweight and comfortable material to read. It reflects light instead of..
रo 1,674.00
Camera Shield For Arduino
Camera Shield is the first shield board that support photograph, it is based on the solution of VC07..
रo 2,097.00
Music Shield V2.0
Time to build your real-time MIDI instrument/music player! The Music Shield is an audio encoder/deco..
रo 2,744.00
Relay Shield v3.0
The Relay Shield provides four high quality relay that can control high current loads to Arduino / S..
रo 2,181.00
RGBW Strip Wireless Shield V1.0
RGBW Stripe WireLess Shield has 4 PWM output to connect RGBW LED Strip. Anyone can handle a load of ..
रo 1,076.00
Wifi Shield (Fi250) V1.1
Wifi Shield (Fi250) V1.1 is a economic internet solution with Arduino. The Wi-Fi module support IEEE..
रo 2,563.00
Grove - Mega Shield v1.2
Mega Shield is a extension board for Arduino Mega and Google ADK. They standardized all the connecto..
रo 591.00
SenseCAP M4 Square - FluxNode
A FluxNode powered by FluxOS supports potential extension for other web3.0 dAPP. No code seamless se..
रo 33,631.00
SenseCAP S2100 - LoRaWAN Data Logger, Supports RS485 / Analog / GPIO Interfaces, LoRaWAN Converter
SenseCAP S2100 Data Logger can connect to MODBUS-RTU RS485/Analog/GPIO sensors and transmit data fro..
रo 8,443.00
SenseCAP S2104 - LoRaWAN Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
SenseCAP LoRaWAN S2104 Sensor measures soil moisture and temperature at the range of 0 ~ 100% (m³/m³..
रo 16,745.00
SenseCAP S2110 Grove to MODBUS RS485 Converter, an open-source tool to build RS485 sensors with Grove
SenseCAP XIAO Controller is a quick tool for IoT developers to build IoT sensors and applications an..
रo 2,378.00
SenseCAP S2120 8-in-1 LoRaWAN Weather Sensor
SenseCAP LoRaWAN S2120 Weather Station collects and uploads air temperature, humidity, wind speed/di..
रo 29,220.00
SenseCAP ONE S900 9-in-1 Compact Weather Sensor
This SenseCAP ONE S900 9-in-1 Compact Weather Sensor can help you collect and monitor environmental ..
रo 224,576.00
SenseCAP PoE Injector (48V) EU, Convert Non-PoE to PoE Adapter
The SenseCAP PoE Injector is designed for routers that do not have the embedded PoE (Power on Ethern..
रo 1,956.00