Propeller 1
Here we have the various offerrings for the super powerful 8-cog parallel processing Parallax Propeller chip.
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Parallax 29127 DS3231 AT24C32 Real Time Clock Module
The DS3231 AT24C32 Real Time Clock Module adds timestamp and event scheduling information to your mi..
रo 736.00
Parallax 64006-ES P2-ES Eval Board Accessory Set
The P2-ES Eval Board Accessory Set is designed specifically for use with the limited edition P2-ES E..
रo 10,413.00
Parallax 32115 JTAGulator with JTAG Exploitation Learning kit
On-chip debug (OCD) interfaces can provide chip-level control of a target device and are a..
रo 20,920.00
Programming the Propeller with Spin: A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing
Programming the Propeller with Spin: A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing walks you through the..
रo 2,285.00