
micro:bit boards and accessories..
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Calliope Mini Development Board
Willkommen, Calliope Mini! Developed in Germany for students in primary school and up, this heavenly..
रo 5,971.00 रo 6,881.00
micro:bit - Starter/Essential Kit
BBC micro:bit is a BBC initiative to get kids coding. A royalty from the sale of this BBC micro:bit ..
रo 2,585.00 रo 3,185.00
Micro:Bit - Single Board
BBC micro:bit is a BBC initiative to get kids coding. A royalty from the sale of this BBC micro:bit ..
रo 2,097.00
BBC micro:bit Go – Starter Kit
The BBC micro:bit v2 is a mini computer that has been designed to make coding fun and easy to learn...
रo 2,976.00
Inventor's Kit for the BBC micro:bit
Get more from the micro:bit with Kitronik's incredible inventor's kit! The simple way to learn about..
रo 3,968.00
MI:power board for the BBC micro:bit
The MI:power board for the BBC micro:bit brings real portability to your wearable projects. The styl..
रo 1,285.00
Bit:2:Pi Allows the BBC Micro:Bit to Connect to Raspberry Pi Addon Boards NB. BBC Micro:Bit ..
रo 2,504.00
ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit
Add some colour to your next coding project with the new Halo board for the BBC micro:bit.The Halo h..
रo 1,580.00
Adafruit 3695 DragonTail for micro:bit - Fully Assembled
Sometimes I dream of having a miniature pet dragon that would sit on my shoulder, while I write code..
रo 966.00
micro:bit v2
The micro:bit v2 is a brand new, super-charged version of the popular pocket-sized codeable computer..
रo 2,259.00 रo 2,604.00
micro:bit accessories kit
This dandy little kit has a battery pack for portable projects, and a micro-USB cable to connect you..
रo 475.00
Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit
This Prototyping System for the BBC micro:bit is a great way to start making circuits and making exp..
रo 2,409.00
Edge Connector Breakout Board for BBC micro:bit
This pre-built Edge Connector Breakout Board for the BBC micro:bit gives access to all the important..
रo 662.00
Servo:Lite board for micro:bit
This Servo:Lite board for the BBC micro:bit can form the control hub for your robotics project, cont..
रo 1,842.00
MOVE mini buggy kit for micro:bit
The Kitronik :MOVE mini MK 2 buggy robot kit for the BBC micro:bit is the latest version of the ever..
रo 5,195.00