Arduino Shields

Assortment of Arduino Shields
Cheapest offerings of Arduino shield in India.
Waveshare 15082 Universal e-Paper Raw Panel Driver Shield for Arduino / NUCLEO
This is a universal driver board for connecting Arduino/NUCLEO and e-Paper raw panels, can be used t..
रo 1,148.00 रo 1,366.00
Gameduino 3X Dazzler
The Gameduino 3X Dazzler is an Arduino-compatible shield that outputs HD picture and sound to any HD..
रo 6,024.00
Arduino MEGA Proto Shield Rev3
The Arduino Prototyping Shield makes it easy for you to design custom circuits. You can solder parts..
रo 661.00
Mega Multi IO Shield for Arduino Mega / DUE
Like Arduino Mega/Due's IO, but bothered with the conflict of I/O pins when using shields with the M..
रo 1,915.00 रo 2,205.00
TFT Mega touch LCD Shield Expansion board for Arduino - 3.2 inch, 4.3 inch, 5.0 inch, 7.0 inch
TFT01 LCD cannot be used directly on top of Arduino because it works with 3.3V. This TFT Mega touch ..
रo 500.00
Adafruit 2601 RGB Matrix Shield for Arduino
Our RGB matrices are dazzling, with their hundreds or even thousands of individual RGB LEDs. Compare..
रo 642.00
Adafruit 2024 12 x Capacitive Touch Shield for Arduino - MPR121
This touch-able add on shield for Arduinos will inspire your next interactive project with 12 capaci..
रo 1,350.00
RS485 Shield for Arduino
RS485 is an industrial standard for long-distance, anti-interference, and reliable communication. Th..
रo 777.00 रo 895.00
Arduino Portenta Vision Shield - LoRa
The Portenta Vision Shield LoRa brings industry-rated features to your Arduino Portenta. This hardwa..
रo 8,332.00
RS232 Shield for Arduino
This RS232 Shield for Arduino is designed for the Arduino controller,and it can easily convert UART ..
रo 777.00 रo 895.00
Arduino MKR2UNO Adapter
The MKR2UNO Adapter allows you to turn your Arduino UNO form factor based project into a MKR based o..
रo 1,666.00
Parallax 35000 Board of Education Shield for Arduino
Plug the Board of Education Shield into your own Arduino for convenient breadboard prototyping and s..
रo 4,164.00
Instant Robot Shield AXE408
The Instant Robot Shield is designed to enable you to rapidly create a robot based upon a PICAXE-28X..
रo 1,385.00 रo 3,385.00
Small e-paper Shield V2 for Arduino/ Linkit One
E-paper might be the most lightweight and comfortable material to read. It reflects light instead of..
रo 1,674.00
Camera Shield For Arduino
Camera Shield is the first shield board that support photograph, it is based on the solution of VC07..
रo 2,097.00