Hardware Compatibles
These are various boards that have the same microcontroller as Arduinos.
They may also run using the Arduino IDE or might use some other IDE of their own for programming.
These might not be shield compatible as-is as they may have a totally differrent physical form.
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Ameba RTL8195 Arduino Wireless Board
Ameba is an Arduino-compatible development board for internet of things, beside WiFi connectivi..
रo 3,187.00
Bluno Bee - Turn Arduino to a Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) Ready Board
Bluno Bee is a serial to bluetooth 4.0 module, it adopts XBEE form factor which is compact and is co..
रo 871.00 रo 1,003.00
Pololu 3113 A-Star 32U4 Prime SV
The A-Star 32U4 Prime SV is a programmable board based on Atmel’s ATmega32U4 microcontroller and arr..
रo 2,271.00 रo 2,365.00
Seeeduino V4.3 (ATMega328P)
Seeeduino V4.3 is an Arduino-compatible board, which is based on ATmega328P MCU, Arduino UNO bootloa..
रo 1,069.00
Breadboard Friendly (Arduino Compatible)
Ever think of using Arduino UNO on breadboard? This board might be the Arduino board you are searchi..
रo 2,085.00
Have you ever wanted to use the small tiny Arduino for simple task like just human detection or to w..
रo 985.00
IRduino - Arduino compatible USB IR Receiver
An open source, programmable, Arduino-compatible USB infrared receiver that gives new life to old re..
रo 1,573.00
ESPresso Lite V2.0 IoT Starter Kit
The core hardware inside ESPresso Lite V2.0 is Espressif System's ESP8266 WROOM-02 WiFi module and i..
रo 5,325.00
ARM Cortex M0 Cytron
ARM is quite famous architecture, it almost consume entire smart phone market. Most of the smart pho..
रo 2,645.00
Pololu 3162 / 3163 / 3160 / 3161 A-Star 328PB Micro - 3.3V, 12MHz/ 3.3V, 8MHz/ 5V, 20MHz/ 5V, 16MHz
The Pololu A-Star 328PB Micro is a general-purpose programmable module based on the ATmega328PB AVR ..
रo 679.00 रo 707.00
Pololu 3145 / 3103 / 3102 A-Star 32U4 Mini SV/ LV/ ULV
The Pololu A-Star 32U4 Mini boards are general-purpose programmable modules based on the ATmega32U4 ..
रo 1,656.00 रo 1,971.00
Bluno M0 Mainboard
Bluno M0 is the only ARM Cortex-M0 Arduino Microcontroller that supports 5V standard logic level. Wi..
रo 2,208.00 रo 2,545.00
Seeeduino Clio - An Artistic Arduino Compatible Controller
An artistic Arduino compatible microcontroller! Clio is a complete Arduino compatible microcontr..
रo 704.00
Firebeetle Board - M0 (V1.0)
FireBeetle is a product series of small development boards developed by DFRobot. It contains various..
रo 825.00 रo 951.00
XBee USB Adapter module for Arduino with Cable
The Bluetooth XBee USB Adapter for Arduino + Micro USB Cable is a compact USB with serial adapter eq..
रo 810.00