The ApiMote is a ZigBee security research hardware intended for researchers, students, utility companies, etc. to use for learning about and evaluating the security of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee systems as authorized.

ApiMote is pre-flashed with KillerBee firmware, so all you need to do is simply plug in to your system and use the KillerBee utilities to start your research. 

The ApiMote hardware is designed and developed by River Loop security and the project is open-source available here.


 Useful Links :  Pdf File

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APIMote (for ZigBee Sniffing and Transmission)

  • Product Code:Attify-APIMote
  • Reward Points:211
  • Availability:Out Of Stock
  • रo 21,080.00

  • Price in reward points:21077

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