The Prop Shield is meant interactive light and sound effects on small handheld props and wearable costumes.
- Motion Sensors - Allows motion interactive light & sound.
- Audio Amplifier - Clear quality audio output to a small speaker.
- Fast LED Driver - Drive APA102 / Dotstar LEDs for colorful lighting with rapid response.
- Flash Memory - 8 Mbyte storage for images, sound clips, and data logging.
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Motion Sensors
NXPMotionSense librarySensor fusion: NXPSensorFusion or Madgwick or Mahony
magnetic calibration application
how to calibrate accelerometer and gyroscope
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Audio Amplifier

must write pin 5 high to turn on amplifier (how long to wait for powerup?)
how to use audio lib examples
DAC reference, 1.2 vs 3.3
Fast LED Driver
TODO: photo with LEDs
FastLED example
must write pin 7 high to talk to LEDs
use SPI transaction functions if playing audio from serial flash
recommendation on current through PCB vs dedicated wires
Using 24 vs 12 MHz SPI speed
Flash Memory
SerialFlash library
Technical Details
pinout diagram
Prop Shield With Motion Sensor
- Brand: PJRC
- Product Code:PJRC-Prop-Motion-Sensor
- Reward Points:28
- Availability:In Stock
- रo 2,775.00
रo 2,331.00
- Price in reward points:2775
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