The AXE213 is a pair of boards which allow simple PICAXE to PICAXE (or PICAXE to PC) interfacing using low cost ‘license exempt’ radio modules (e.g part
433MHz TxRx Super Regenerative Module, purchase separately). The special encoder/decoder chip on the boards provide a more reliable serial wireless communication system than that which can be achieved when connecting the radio modules to the PICAXE chip directly.
The transmitter board, when fitted with an AM or FM transmitter module, allows a PICAXE or PC to send data to the receiver board (which must be fitted with a matching receiver module). The received data is buffered and stored, and then can be read by a PICAXE and/or a PC. Both ASCII data and raw byte data can be sent across the wireless link.
Both transmitter and receiver boards are compatible with the full range of PICAXE controllers. The transmitter board is fitted with a test button to allow standalone testing.
The receiver has a number of operational modes which can be configured as required. Each transmitter and receiver board includes a 3.5mm jack socket which can be
used with AXE027 and AXE026 PICAXE download cables to connect the board directly to a PC for testing purposes. Solder pads allow direct connection to the PICAXE project. Both boards incorporate an LED which indicates when data is being transmitted and when data has been received.
To provide maximum flexibility, and cater for the wide range of wireless modules available and their differing pin-outs, both boards have a ‘prototyping area’ to which the wireless modules can be soldered. This allows almost any module to be used with the boards. If you do not already have radio modules part
433MHz TxRx Super Regenerative Module is a low-cost matched pair of 433MHz AM modules which may be used with these boards.
The boards are designed around the NKM2401 Radio Data Encoder/Decoder IC (developed by Nikam Electronics) which is used to for both transmitting and receiving data. The NKM2401 ‘Manchester encodes’ all data and automatically sends out the required RF preamble, data, checksum etc. so the user is left to simply send bytes of data and receive bytes of data. Data can be reliably sent with just a single ‘serout’ command and received with just a single ‘serin’ command.
Because the NKM2401 provides preamble, Manchester Encoding and uses CRC error checksum codes, the wireless link will be more reliable and give greater range than a direct ‘serout’ control of a wireless module. Overall data throughput can be up to 60 bytes per second. This includes the time taken to send data from a PICAXE to the transmitter, the time to send data ‘over the air’ plus the time taken to pass received data to the receiving PICAXE.
Kit Contents:
PCB AXE213 Transmitter & Receiver PCB Pair
R1-3 10k resistor (brown black orange gold)
R4-5 470 resistor (yellow violet brown gold)
R6 22k resistor (red red orange gold)
R7 1k resistor (brown black red gold)
C1-4 100nF capacitor
SW1 6mm push Switch
J1-2 jumper links
J1 2 pin header * (optional)
J2 3 pin header *
H1-2 5 pin header * (optional)
CON1-2 3.5mm Download socket
IC1-2 8 pin IC socket
IC1-2 NKM2401 IC (PIC12F508 preprogrammed with NKM2401 firmware)
Click here for datasheet.