Parallax MCUs

These are the various Microcontroller familes from the Parallax stable.
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Parallax PBASIC1/P BASIC Stamp 1 Interpreter Chip (DIP)
Recommended for high volume applications or those with limited PCB real estate, the BASIC Stamp 1 (D..
रo 1,248.00
Parallax BS1-IC Basic Stamp1 Module
It's amazing what you can accomplish with this well-proven microcontroller and its simple PBASIC 1 l..
रo 3,452.00
Parallax BS2-IC Basic Stamp 2 Module
The BASIC Stamp 2 serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that require ..
रo 4,739.00
Parallax BS2PX24 Basic Stamp 2px Module
The BASIC Stamp 2px serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that requir..
रo 7,640.00
Parallax BS2P40 BASIC Stamp 2p 40-Pin Microcontroller Module
The BASIC Stamp 2p40 serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that requi..
रo 2,500.00 रo 8,607.00
Parallax 555-28188 Basic Stamp HomeWork Board - USB
The BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board is ideal for learning circuits, electronics, and microcontroller prog..
रo 3,569.00
Parallax BS2P24 BASIC Stamp 2p24 Microcontroller Module
The BASIC Stamp 2p24 serves as the brains inside of electronics projects and applications that requi..
रo 7,640.00
Parallax 28850 / 28150 Board of Education Development Board
The Board of Education (BOE) was originally designed in coordination with our educational customers ..
रo 6,247.00
Parallax 28803 Board of Education Full Kit - USB
The Board of Education "Full Kit" contains a Board of Education® carrier board, BASIC Stamp® 2 modul..
रo 8,778.00
Parallax P8X32A-D40 Propeller 1 Chip – 40-Pin DIP Chip
Introducing Parallax's own all-custom silicon, designed at the transistor level by schematic! The Pr..
रo 1,248.00
Parallax 32912 Propeller Activity Board WX
The Propeller Activity Board WX features the 8-core Propeller microcontroller pre-wired to a host of..
रo 8,228.00
Parallax 40000 Propeller QuickStart Board
The QuickStart is an evaluation board for the Propeller. As an open-source reference design the Quic..
रo 5,944.00
Parallax 64020 P2 Edge Module Breadboard
The Propeller 2 Edge Module Breadboard provides a convenient rapid prototyping solution for experime..
रo 9,269.00
Parallax 32150 Propeller Mini
The Propeller Mini is a quick-turn low-cost solution for embedding a multicore Propeller microcontro..
रo 3,160.00
Parallax 64000 Propeller 2 Evaluation Board (Rev C)
The limited edition Propeller 2 Eval Board Rev C is designed for experimentation and characterizatio..
रo 22,139.00