Microchip Boards
Microstick II DM330013-2
Microstick II delivers a complete development hardware platform for Microchip’s 16-bit and 32-bit mi..
रo 5,110.00
PICDEM 2 Plus Demo Board
The PICDEM 2 Plus board demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip’s 8-bit microcontrollers, specifi..
रo 5,600.00
PIC18 Explorer Board PIC MCU 8-Bit PIC Embedded Evaluation Board
This low-cost demo board is for evaluation of our PIC18 MCU families. PIC18 is having highest perfor..
रo 9,856.00
Explorer 16 Development Board
The Explorer 16 Development Board is a low-cost modular development system for Microchip’s 16-bit an..
रo 10,690.00
Programming Adapter/Extension POD Module - PICPROG 5 POD
Programming Extension POD for PIC16/PIC18/dsPIC. Contains:- • 40pin ZIF Socket, 44pin PLCC..
रo 2,518.00 2 Development Board with 16 x 2 LCD Display-DM163024
The DM163024 is a 2 internet/ethernet development board supporting both the popular ENC28..
रo 19,985.00
PICkit 44pin Demo Board (PIC18F45K20)
This is a small demo board with a PIC18F45K20 device on board and a small, surface-mount prototype a..
रo 715.00
PICDEM 2 Plus Development Board
The PICDEM 2 Plus board demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip’s 8-bit microcontrollers, specifi..
रo 5,142.00
PIC18 Explorer Development Board
This low-cost demo board is for evaluation of our PIC18 MCU families. PIC18 is having highest perfor..
रo 5,775.00
PICkit 44-Pin Demo Board - PIC16F887
The LP-DM164120-2 is a small demo board with a PIC16F887 device on board and a small surface mount p..
रo 715.00
PICkit Low Pin Count Demo Board - PIC16F690
The DM164120-1 is a small demo board with a PIC16F690 on board and a small prototype area. Use it wi..
रo 715.00
The PICPROG-V.6.11 Demo board is specially designed for Microchip’s 8-bit,16-bit and 32-bit microcon..
रo 1,965.00
dsPIC33FJ256GP710 PIM
Processor Plug-In Modules are small circuit boards to be used with the various Microchip Development..
रo 2,296.00
Advanced 40 Pin Demo Board
The Advanced 40 pin demo board is small simple and useful tool of LOGIC POWER for 40 Pin IC. ..
रo 1,145.00
PIC18F4550 Demo Board
PIC18F4550 demo board demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip’s 8-bit microcontroller PIC18 devic..
रo 1,570.00