Adafruit 5426 QT Py ESP32-S3 WiFi Dev Board with STEMMA QT - 8 MB Flash / No PSRAM
The ESP32-S3 has arrived in QT Py format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful ne..
रo 1,350.00
Adafruit 5146 24LC32 I2C EEPROM Breakout - 32Kbit / 4 KB - Stemma QT
If you want to store calibration values, MAC addresses, non-secure access tokens, or other unique id..
रo 426.00
Adafruit 5700 QT Py S3 with 2MB PSRAM WiFi Dev Board with STEMMA QT
The ESP32-S3 has arrived in QT Py format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful ne..
रo 1,350.00
Adafruit 5769 Audio BFF Add-on for QT Py and Xiao
Our QT Py boards are a great way to make very small microcontroller projects that pack a ton of powe..
रo 642.00
Adafruit 5397 LiIon or LiPoly Charger BFF Add-On for QT Py
Is your QT Py all alone, lacking a friend to travel the wide world with? When you were a kid you may..
रo 534.00
Adafruit 5753 PC Joystick to seesaw I2C Adapter - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Back in my day, we used to have these big chunky PC joysticks that would plug into the back of your ..
रo 642.00
Adafruit 5395 QT Py ESP32 Pico - WiFi Dev Board with STEMMA QT - 8MB Flash 2MB PSRAM
This dev board is like when you're watching a super-hero movie and the protagonist shows up in a tot..
रo 1,615.00
Adafruit 5783 EYESPI Pi Beret - Buttons, EYESPI and STEMMA QT
Raspberry Pi's make for handy lil computers, but they're really wonderful when you can connect all s..
रo 534.00
Adafruit 5791 STEMMA Piezo Driver Amp - PAM8904
Piezos make noise when you put an AC voltage across them: and the bigger the Vpp the louder they are..
रo 534.00
Adafruit 3885 STEMMA Speaker - Plug and Play Audio Amplifier - JST PH 2mm
Hey, have you heard the good news? With Adafruit STEMMA boards you can easily and safely plug sensor..
रo 642.00
Adafruit 5832 INA228 - I2C 85V, 20-bit High or Low Side Power Monitor - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The INA228 is an amazing power monitoring chip, with best-of-everything support: up to 85VDC common-..
रo 1,614.00
Adafruit 5836 ADS7830 8-Channel 8-Bit ADC with I2C - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Many microcontrollers have ADCs these days, for reading analog/resistive sensors like potentiometers..
रo 642.00
Adafruit 5877 CAN Bus BFF Add-On for QT Py
Our QT Py boards are a great way to make very small microcontroller projects that pack a ton of powe..
रo 966.00
Adafruit 5880 I2C Stemma QT Rotary Encoder Breakout with Encoder - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Rotary encoders are soooo much fun! Twist em this way, then twist them that way. Unlike potentiomete..
रo 858.00
Adafruit 5882 DC Power BFF Add-On for QT Py
We were recently working on a project where we really wanted to power a QT Py ESP32 from 12V - but t..
रo 858.00