The MPR121 has support for reading data over I2C, which can be implemented with nearly any microcontroller. You can select one of 2 addresses with the ADDR pin (solder it close for the alternative address), for a total of 24 capacitive touch pads on one I2C 2-wire bus. Using this chip is a lot easier than doing the capacitive sensing with analog inputs: it handles all the filtering for you and can be configured for more/less sensitivity.
This sensor comes as a tiny hard-to-solder chip so we put it onto a breakout board for you. Since it's a 3V-only chip, we added a 3V regulator and I2C level shifting so it's safe to use with any 3V or 5V microcontroller/processor like Arduino. We even added an LED onto the IRQ line so it will blink when touches are detected, making debugging by sight a bit easier on you.
Warranty: 90 days
  • Warranty will not apply if Product fails or is damaged after delivery to you due to accident, abuse or misuse.
Package Includes:
  • 1 x Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Gator Breakout

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Adafruit 4830 MPR121 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Gator Breakout - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

  • Brand: Adafruit
  • Product Code:Ada-4830-Touch-Sensor
  • Reward Points:7
  • Availability:In Stock
  • रo 750.00

  • Price in reward points:791

  • 50 or more रo 657.00
  • 200 or more रo 654.00

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Tags: Capacitive, Touch, Sensor, Gator, STEMMA, QT, Qwiic

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