- Same size, form-factor, and pin-out as Seeed Xiao
- USB Type C connector - If you have only Micro B cables, this adapter will come in handy!
- ATSAMD21E18 32-bit Cortex M0+ - 48 MHz 32 bit processor with 256KB Flash and 32 KB RAM
- Native USB supported by every OS - can be used in Arduino or CircuitPython as USB serial console, MIDI, Keyboard/Mouse HID, even a little disk drive for storing Python scripts.
- Can be used with Arduino IDE or CircuitPython
- Built in RGB NeoPixel LED
11 GPIO pins:
- True analog output on one I/O pin - can be used to play 10-bit quality audio clips in Arduino (CircuitPython does not have storage for audio clips)
- 9 x 12-bit analog inputs (SDA/SCL do not have analog inputs)
- 1 x Optional AREF on A1
- 9 x PWM outputs (A0 is analog out, A1 is not PWM capable)
- Hardware I2C port with STEMMA QT plug-n-play connector
- Hardware UART
- Hardware SPI
- Hardware I2S
- 6 x Capacitive Touch with no additional components required
- 3.3V regulator with 600mA peak output
- Optional SOIC-8 SPI Flash chip on bottom
- Reset switch for starting your project code over or entering bootloader mode
- Really really small
Package Includes:
- 1 x Adafruit 4600 QT Py - SAMD21 Dev Board with STEMMA QT
Adafruit 4600 QT Py - SAMD21 Dev Board with STEMMA QT
- Brand: Adafruit
- Product Code:Ada-4600-QT-Py
- Reward Points:10
- Availability:In Stock
- रo 1,012.00
रo 896.00
- Price in reward points:1067
- 50 or more रo 809.00
- 170 or more रo 806.00
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