We've now got a wider range version of favorite triple-axis accelerometer - it even has an on-board 3.3V regulator - making it a perfect choice for interfacing with a 5V microcontroller such as the Arduino. This breakout comes with 3 analog outputs for X, Y and Z axis measurements on a 0.75"x0.75" breakout board. The ADXL326 is the latest and greatest from Analog Devices, known for their exceptional quality MEMS devices. The VCC takes up to 5V in and regulates it to 3.3V with an output pin. The analog outputs are ratiometric: that means that 0g measurement output is always at half of the 3.3V output (1.65V), -16g is at 0v and 16g is at 3.3V with full scaling in between.
Fully assembled and tested. Comes with 8 pin 0.1" standard header in case you want to use it with a breadboard or perfboard. Two 2mm (0.08") mounting holes for easy attachment.
- The XYZ filter capacitors are 0.1uF for a 50 Hz bandwidth
- See the ADXL326 webpage for datasheets and more
- ADXL335 Documentation Page
- ADXL377 Data Sheet
- ADXL335, ADXL326 & ADXL377 Breakout Board Eagle Files
- Fritzing objects in the Adafruit Fritzing Library
Technical Details:
- Dimensions (without header):
- Length:19mm/0.75in
- Width:19mm/0.75in
- Height:3.14mm/0.12in
Revision History:
- As of August 16, 2023 - we've updated this PCB with Adafruit Pinguin to make a lovely and legible silkscreen - you may get the new PCB or the older version with vector fonts - both are identical other than the fancy silkscreen.
Package Includes:
- 1 x Adafruit 1018 ADXL326 - 5V ready triple-axis accelerometer (+-16g analog out)
Adafruit 1018 ADXL326 - 5V ready triple-axis accelerometer (+-16g analog out)
- Brand: Adafruit
- Product Code:NR-Ada-1018-ADXL326
- Reward Points:20
- Availability:In Stock
रo 1,937.00
- Price in reward points:2044
- 45 or more रo 1,696.00
- 80 or more रo 1,689.00
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Tags: Adafruit, accelerometer, analog