Note: HT (High temperature) Actuator muscle wires show its contracting properties at around 90 degree Centigrade. Now in India.
Made of nickel-titanium these small diameter wires contract (typically 2% to 5% of their length) like muscles when electrically driven or heated. This ability to flex or shorten is a characteristic of certain alloys, which dynamically change their internal structure at certain temperatures. The idea of reaching higher temperatures electrically came with the light bulb, but instead of producing light, these alloys contract by several percent of their length when heated and can then be easily stretched out again as they cool back to room temperature. Like a light bulb both heating and cooling can occur quite quickly. The contraction of actuator wires when heated is opposite to ordinary thermal expansion, is larger by a hundredfold, and exerts tremendous force for its small size. The underlying technology, which causes the effect is discussed elsewhere. The main point is that movement occurs through an internal "solid state" restructuring in the material that is silent, smooth, and powerful.
This effect can be used in many ways. The list of viable applications is too long for any single listing. A safe assumption is that any task requiring physical movement in a small space with low to moderate cycling speeds is something that most likely will be better done with actuator wires. Many of the tasks currently being done with small motors or solenoids can be done better and cheaper with actuator wires. Since the actuator wires are much smaller for the work they do, a number of new products and improved designs on existing products are readily accomplished.
The following chart gives rough guidelines for how much electrical current and force to expect with various wire sizes. If actuator wire is used within the guidelines then obtaining repeatable motion from the wire for tens of millions of cycles is reasonable. If higher stresses or strains are imposed, then the memory strain is likely to slowly decrease and good motion may be obtained for only hundreds or a few thousand of cycles. The permanent deformation, which occurs in the wire during cycling, is heavily a function of the stress imposed and the temperature under which the actuator wire is operating. The wire has been specially processed to minimize this effect, but if the stress is too great or the temperature too high some permanent strain will occur. Since temperature is directly related to current density passing through the wire, care should be taken to heat, but not overheat, the actuator wire.

* The Heating pull force is based on 25,000 psi (172 MPa), which for many applications is the maximum safe stress for the wire. However, many applications use higher and lower stress levels. This depends on the specific conditions of a given design. The cooling deformation force is based on 10,000 psi (70 MPa), which is a good starting point in a design. However, this value can also vary depending on how the material is used.
** The contraction time is directly related to current input. The figures used here are only approximate since room temperatures, air currents, and heat sinking of specific devices vary. On small diameter wires (
*** Approximate cooling time, at room temperature in static air, using a vertical wire. The last 0.5% of deformation is not used in these approximations. LT = Low Temperature and HT = High Temperature Actuator wire.
10 cm in length, (will contract 2 to 5mm)
If you order multiple quantities we will try and send you one continuous length.
Available in diameters of 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.006 and 0.008 inches
For example :
For 1 meter order for 10 quantity. (1 quantity = 10 cm)
For 10 meter order for 100 quantity.