

Microchip PIC32 Starter Kit

Microchip PIC32 Starter Kit

The PIC32 Starter Kit lubaTEST33 the easiest and lowest cost method to experience the PIC32 microcon..

रo 7,450.00

PICkit 3 Debug Express

PICkit 3 Debug Express

The PICkit 3 allows debugging and programming of PIC(R) and dsPIC(R) Flash microcontrollers using th..

रo 3,243.00



The SPC5-UDESTK is a USB/JTAG interface to enable the debugging and programming at budget price of S..

रo 24,046.00

PYNQ-Z2 Development Board

PYNQ-Z2 Development Board

PYNQ-Z2 is a FPGA development board based on ZYNQ  XC7Z020 FPGA, intensively designed to suppor..

रo 21,715.00

PINE64 USB Serial Console/Programmer

PINE64 USB Serial Console/Programmer

USB Serial Programmer for PINE64 Based on Silicon Labs CP2102 Support Virtual COM Port Device Dr..

रo 1,427.00

The Shikra

The Shikra

The Shikra is a device that allows the user to interface (via USB) to a number of different low-leve..

रo 6,323.00

Adafruit 3571 / 2209 SEGGER J-Link EDU/ Mini/ Base - JTAG/SWD Debugger

Adafruit 3571 / 2209 SEGGER J-Link EDU/ Mini/ Base - JTAG/SWD Debugger

SEGGER J-Link EDU Mini - JTAG/SWD Debugger: 3571Doing some serious development on any ARM-based..

रo 8,085.00

Waveshare 22943 STLINK-V3MINIE, In-Circuit Debugger And Programmer For STM32

Waveshare 22943 STLINK-V3MINIE, In-Circuit Debugger And Programmer For STM32

The STLINK-V3MINIE is a stand-alone debugging and programming tiny probe for STM32 microcontrollers,..

रo 2,460.00 रo 2,930.00

Parallax 32115 JTAGulator with JTAG Exploitation Learning kit

Parallax 32115 JTAGulator with JTAG Exploitation Learning kit

  On-chip debug (OCD) interfaces can provide chip-level control of a target device and are a..

रo 20,920.00



ctxLink is an open hardware, open firmware debugging probe, based on the Black Magic Probe (BMP), th..

रo 13,710.00

Pine64 USB JTAG Adapter

Pine64 USB JTAG Adapter

The Pine64 USB JTAG Adapter with openOCD for Pinecone and Pinenut development.Features:Using FTDI FT..

रo 1,427.00

APIMote (for ZigBee Sniffing and Transmission)

APIMote (for ZigBee Sniffing and Transmission)

The ApiMote is a ZigBee security research hardware intended for researchers, students, utility compa..

रo 21,080.00

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)

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