Grove Accessories
Grove Shield for Intel Joule
At the 2016 Intel Developer Forum, Intel announced the availability of the Joule Module, a Linux sys..
रo 139.00
mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit
Powered by Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3, it supports Wi-Fi/BLE connectivity and offers precise human de..
रo 3,432.00
Grove - Fingerprint Sensor
The Fingerprint Sensor is one optical fingerprint sensor which will make adding fingerprint detectio..
रo 6,267.00
Grove - Thumb Joystick
Grove - Thumb Joystick is a Grove compatible module which is very similar to the 'analog' joystick o..
रo 584.00
Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera / IR Array MLX90640 55 degree / 110 degree
Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera is a thermal sensor which carries MLX90640 IR Array. The camera can p..
रo 8,302.00
Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera - MLX90641 16x12 IR Array with 110° FOV
This IR thermal camera carries a 16x12 array of thermal sensors (MLX90641) and it can detect the tem..
रo 6,049.00
Grove LED Bar v2.0
Grove – LED Bar is comprised of a 10 segment LED gauge bar and an MY9221 LED controlling chip. It ca..
रo 478.00
Grove - LCD RGB Backlight
Done with tedious mono color backlight? This Grove enables you to set the color to whatever you like..
रo 1,773.00
Grove - Red LED
Grove - LED is designed for the beginners of Arduino/Seeeduino to monitor controls from digital port..
रo 211.00
Grove - OLED Display 0.96 inch / 1.12 inch
Grove - OLED Display 0.96"/ 1.12'' is an OLED monochrome 128×64dot matrix display module with Grove ..
रo 1,044.00
Grove - 4-Digit Display
4 digit display module is usually a 12 pin module. In this Grove gadget, we utilize a TM1637 to scal..
रo 633.00
Grove - Piezo Buzzer
This is a simple yet enjoyable twig to use. The piezo can be connected to digital outputs, and will ..
रo 149.00
Grove - White LED
Grove - LED is designed for the beginners of Arduino/Seeeduino to monitor controls from digital port..
रo 225.00
Grove - Speaker
The Grove - Speaker is a module consist of power amplification and voice outputs. The loudness can b..
रo 577.00
Grove - Speech Recognizer
Use voice to interact with things around you can always be one of the most interesting things of IoT..
रo 2,111.00