FT232RL FT232 FTDI USB 3.3V 5.5V To TTL Serial Converter Adapter Module For Arduino
- Chip: FT232RL
- Draw out all signal port of FT232RL chip
- RXD / TXD transceiver communication indicator
- USB power supply, can choose 5V or 3.3V, set by jumper
- With over current protection, using 500mA self-restore fuse
- Pin definition: DTR, RXD, TX, VCC, CTS, GND
- Pitch: 2.54mm
- Size: 36 x 18mm (L x W) / 36 x 17.5mm (L x W)
- Interface: Mini USB
FT232RL FT232 FTDI USB To TTL Adapter Module For Arduino
- Product Code:PRC-FT232-FTDI-USB-TTL-Conv
- Reward Points:18
- Availability:Out Of Stock
- रo 225.00
रo 200.00
- Price in reward points:355
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Tags: FT232RL, FTDI, USB, TTL, Serial, Converter, Adapter, Module, Arduino