These are the various adapters we stock. Some are plain connectors while others have more circuitry to them.
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Parallax 27111 Basic Stamp1 Serial Adapter
The BASIC Stamp 1 Serial Adapter provides serial port based programming capability from a PC running..
रo 690.00 रo 1,050.00
Parallax 28050 RCA to Breadboard Adapter
The Parallax RCA to Breadboard Adapter makes it convenient to connect an RCA jack to breadboards, pr..
रo 744.00
Parallax 28030 USB to Serial (RS-232) Adapter
Parallax has designed a USB to Serial (RS-232) adapter that is compact and economical to provide a V..
रo 2,530.00
Parallax 32710 Edge I/O Adapter compatible with BBC micro:bit
The Parallax Edge I/O Adapter connects a BBC micro:bit module to a breadboard, moving students from ..
रo 1,670.00
Parallax 7.5 VDC 1.6 Amp Power Supply
Need a stable, plug-in power supply for your microcontroller development board? This is an AC to DC ..
रo 2,230.00
PICAXE Breadboard Cable Adapter AXE029
This adapter allows easy connection of a PICAXE download cable to a prototyping breadboard. ..
रo 275.00 रo 335.00
TinyShield microSD adapter
Add huge amounts of storage with the TinyShield microSD Adapter This TinyShield microSD Adapter ..
रo 1,278.00
TinyLily Mini USB Adapter
For Connecting Your Computer to the TinyLily Mini The TinyLily Mini USB Adapter adds USB support..
रo 1,215.00
TinyLily Battery Adapter
Adapt Your TinyLily Mini to a JST Power Connector Connect up your TinyLily Mini to standard batt..
रo 338.00
This is a standalone Lithium battery charger which lets you charge up your batteries from a micro US..
रo 594.00
SenseCAP PoE Injector (48V) EU, Convert Non-PoE to PoE Adapter
The SenseCAP PoE Injector is designed for routers that do not have the embedded PoE (Power on Ethern..
रo 1,956.00
Teensy to XBee Adaptor Kit
This kit lets you easily connect Teensy to a XBee wireless module. The Arduino XBee Li..
रo 717.00 रo 820.00
WIZ820io and Micro SD Card Adaptor for Teensy
This adaptor allows you to easily use gigabytes of SD card flash memory and/or a Wiznet WIZ820io eth..
रo 717.00 रo 820.00
Teensy to WIZ812 Ethernet Adaptor Kit
This kit lets you easily connect Teensy to a WIZ812 ethernet module. The Arduino Ethernet ..
रo 466.00 रo 533.00
Audio Adaptor Board for Teensy 3.0 to 3.6 (Rev C)
This audio adaptor lets you easily add high quality 16 bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate (CD quality) audio ..
रo 1,705.00 रo 1,947.00