MSP430 ULP FRAM-based MSP430FR4133 16-bit MCU 16KB FRAM
- 16-Bit RISC Architecture up to 8-MHz FRAM access/ 16MHz system clock speed
- 3 x Timer Blocks
- 10Ch 10-Bit ADC
- 8 x 32 segment LCD driver with integrated charge pump and configurable pins
- EnergyTrace available for ultra-low-power debugging
- 20 pin LaunchPad standard leveraging the BoosterPack ecosystem
- Onboard eZ-FET emulation
- 2 buttons and 2 LEDs for User Interaction
- Segmented LCD
MSP430FR4133 LaunchPad Development Kit
- Brand: Texas Instruments
- Product Code:TI-MSP-EXP430FR4133
- Reward Points:20
- Availability:In Stock
- रo 1,991.00
रo 1,672.00
- Price in reward points:1991
- 7 or more रo 1,975.00
- 15 or more रo 1,959.00
- 35 or more रo 1,943.00
- 70 or more रo 1,927.00
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Tags: MSP-EXP430FR4133, LaunchPad, FRAM, Development, Kit