The STLINK-V3MODS is a small size debugging and programming probe for STM32 microcontrollers.The JTA..
रo 1,280.00
The DSI to HDMI adapter board (order code B-LCDAD-HDMI1) provides DSI input port and HDMI output por..
रo 4,689.00
The SPC5-UDESTK is a USB/JTAG interface to enable the debugging and programming at budget price of S..
रo 24,046.00
The STM32 Nucleo-64 board provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts ..
रo 1,601.00
VL6180 STM32F401REThe STM32 Nucleo-64 board provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try..
रo 4,107.00
The EVSTGAP2SICSN is a half-bridge evaluation board designed to evaluate the STGAP2SICSN isolated si..
रo 7,647.00
The STEVAL-STWINMAV1 microphone array expansion adds advanced audio sensing capabilities to the STEV..
रo 2,198.00 रo 2,529.00
HCF4099B is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology.
रo 18.00 रo 25.00
LM358N consist of two independent, high-gain, internally frequency-compensated op-amps, specifically..
रo 10.00
The L298N is a high voltage, high current, dual full bridge driver designed to accept standard TTL l..
रo 150.00
The M74HC595 device is a high speed CMOS 8-bit shift register with output latches (3-state) fabricat..
रo 16.00 रo 19.00
The HCF4094 is an 8-stage, serial shift register having a storage latch associated with each stage f..
रo 11.00 रo 20.00
LM248 is a quadruple,independent, high-gain, internally compensated operational amplifiers designe..
रo 17.00
The TIP120, TIP121 and TIP122 are silicon Epitaxial-Base NPN power transistors in monolithic Darling..
रo 14.00
The STEVAL-VP318L2F implements a 15 V-18 W isolated flyback converter in primary side regulation (PS..
रo 8,100.00
Showing 16 to 30 of 30 (2 Pages)